
Sunday, April 2, 2023

Unwanted Impression - Persona 5 Royal

The last time I had "Unwanted Impression" it ends badly because I never finish Cyberpunk 2077. However, I look back at that post and it reminded me about how much I hope to remember the small little details of enjoyment I had in games. So here it is, Persona 5 (P5 for short) that I had 120 hours in it with 1 complete playthrough.

Do note that there are no avoiding spoilers here, because I felt like I had to remind myself in the future how good this game is with its story.

Spare the long introduction, I will try to make it short. Persona 5 is not a new game, it's been released as console exclusive for years, and later on updated with the version that consists of DLC, Persona 5 Royal. Atlus Studio decides to release P5 on all platforms in 2022, with the inclusion in Xbox PC Game Pass, I had my hands on the game for the first time.


P5 is a standard JRPG, turn based combat, map that looks empty to walk around, have to hit or be hit by enemies to load into combat phase. Just a personal preference, I do think turn based JRPG games like this is slightly outdated, unless you have a good reason (like porting to mobile phone). Sounds like knit picking, but in truth I don't have much complain about P5, the combats are still fun that being said!

The best impression I had on P5 is, Atlus Studio basically blended visual novels into a standard JRPG. It is so smart to implement a time feature, so player can only do limited set of things based on how much progress you currently have. Always struggle if I should bond with certain characters first, or increasing my stats for combat, or getting more Personas to play the game like Pokemon. There are much much more to do in the game, always felt like "ah I wish I had more time" just like in real life!


Story writing, characters development, they fit perfectly. It is a good starting point for players who are not familar with visual novel and want to get a taste of what it is. Although, story can get a little childish, but on the grand scale of entire story, there are points that I feel like I can take in and have my own interpretations in my life. The main theme is to "refuse to settle, stand up and fight injustice, make changes". Even if story can go childish, the theme is not. For that, I have a lot of respect on how the author write the stories and characters.

Can't move fast without breaking
Can't hold on or life won't changeAnd our voices ring out, yeahTook the mask off to feel freeFought it out in the debrisNow we know that life will change

The lyrics of the theme song "Life will Change" hits me so hard. Maybe it is due to what I have been experiencing in recent years, but I guess it suits a lot of people too. A lot of us are too afraid to leave our comfort zone, it can be anything in life. We always hold on to it but we want things to change for the better, not knowing that gripping it too hard leads to nowhere. Staying true to ourselves, not forgetting the adults we don't want to be when we were kids, accept changes in life. I felt like I learnt something from the game, I hope people do too. 


For future reference, ChatGPT is released on late 2022. ChatGPT is an AI model that trains itself with data from the Internet dated to 2020. Machine learning is an interesting study, ChatGPT model in some ways are just mimicking human behaviours on Internet until 2020, including all the knowledge that it can get from it.

Reason why I brought ChatGPT up is, I learnt and gave a good thought about Mementos in Persona 5. To explain, Mementos is a dungeon in Shinjuku in the game, it represents the collective unconscious of general public. This means the tendency of people leaning towards something, their thoughts and desires, is always show in Mementos. Now, does it sounds familiar to something I just mentioned?

Just for the fun of it, I asked ChatGPT's opinion on this and he gave me the answer that I expected. Yes, Mementos in P5 is very similar to ChatGPT. They are both general cognitive of the world that we live in, Mementos reply to human by appearing as obstacles or enemies to fight in the game, ChatGPT talks to human by text. This idea about Mementos is just so much fun, I have to bring it up in this review.


There are reasons to not like Persona 5, although for me they are not such a big deal:

  1. Some boss fights are just not fun, I was basically grinding a damage sponge. The lack of strategy in a turn based RPG is not ideal.
  2. Lengthy puzzles and dungeons, in a game that is so similar to visual novel is very weird! I really wanted to replay the game to try other routes for different characters, but knowing that I have to go through all the hassles for hours again just made me uninstall the game.
  3. Tutorial is sometimes annoying, typical holding hands tutorial that limits what you can do. At the start of the game, it felt like there are so many things that I can do but they were locked for not progressing the story.

With that being said, I don't have a lot of games that I played for more than 100 hours. This might have been the third or fourth game, and I spent 120 hours in this game. Knowing that I don't have much time for games ever since I started working, this 120 hours playthrough felt very lengthy but I still enjoy it very much. There are other remakes for Persona 3 and 4, but looking at it they looks very outdated and I'm unwilling to commit that many hours into them. There might be Persona 6 in the future, and if there are any creative changes for it, I can't wait!

Persona 5 is a really enjoyable game for me! Probably due to the fact that I like stories and it is such a heavy plot game. Some game designs like characters affection, time limit, definitely inspires other games in this era whenever I play them. Atlus Studio made a giant in the game industry, that it is still a lot of fun even if it is a JRPG for players who don't usually like them much. Personal opinion would definitely be a 9/10 game!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Life Will Change

 Persona游戏系列,一直以来都是索尼PS独有的游戏。开发公司不知道收了索尼多少钱买断了市场,除了在PS之外无法游玩。Persona 5推出时反应极佳,主题曲“Life Will Change”更是鼓动玩家们抱着对邪恶拥有反抗的意识。一直保持不变妥协的日常,到头来只会苦了自己。

2022年,Persona开发公司Atlus宣布,Persona系列将会由Persona 5开始带入电脑和Xbox平台,随即任天堂Switch也跟着拥有发放版权。迎合着宣传和一直以来对Persona系列好奇心态的我,当然没错过的玩了该游戏。就犹如歌词所诉说的一般,“Can't hold on or life won't change”,我对2021有相当多的不满,最主要的是我要求一成不变而导致所有事情都停止或退步。万万没想到游戏这么应景,在逼着自己有些许改变后,相当的不安却有相当多意想不到的现况。




放在2021年,我根本不相信我会在一年里有这么多的改变。然而2022年并没有停步于此,在这么多事情发生和情绪中,我也终于离开了工作4年的公司!天啊,我以前真的无法想象一连串的事情一起发生的状况。3-4月时,应征一间外国游戏公司在大马的分行,失败了也再气馁了。6-7月时,配合着一些人际关系和抱着尝试的态度,应证了新加坡一间无名的新游戏公司。8月,在经过了三轮的面试后被录取了。当时忙着买屋,有些许反应不来,斟酌的考虑了一番。这是一个“Leap of Faith”,无从得知这间新公司是否有未来,只有尝试和努力过后才能明白。好处是,虽然是新加坡公司,却不需要员工到新加坡总部,只需有电脑在家工作就行。




Saturday, December 18, 2021




上个月过着25岁生日,也是一般待在家喝着酒听着音乐思考人生。25? 我应该没算错吧? 霎那间经历了existential crisis。社会不是期望着我们在30岁前都能有所成就,或有房子,或有妻子? 我只剩5年而已,事业爱情全都两头不到岸,我怎么办? 这世界不靠谱,有时想想也不明白为什么会执着他人怎么想,只要我还在前进着,就算是龟速又怎么得罪了你们? 社会习惯性对人冷淡,嘲笑他人的失败,那是社会人该反省的地方,都是社会的错!

今年身为一个人类,我又有什么进步吗? 感觉上我比以前更能与人沟通了,虽然也是绞尽脑子才能保持一段正常的对话。有许多我向往的人,都是擅长与人交流,感觉是那种你把他们当最好的朋友,他们最好的朋友却不是你。无妨,我能习惯孤独,虽然能力和愿意是两回事,起码我觉得我已经有所改进。有时真的很懒惰与人沟通,有时却好像独处地快疯了,经常平衡在钢线上。我偏与沉默那一方,有人替我当个能说能道的外向人就好,偶尔我想聆听多于诉说。

工作方面,一直以来我都有个上司,Tech Lead。2021年头,设计部的头脑人物离开了公司,身为一个游戏公司少了头脑根本无法操作。我上司既然已经在这行工作多年,经验老道,所以他便从Tech side转到Design。那么问题在这,谁来当Tech team的领队? 大家看来看去,好像看到只有我一个比较有经验。我立马在脑里想了一次“操”,然后在我不情愿的情况下,我得负责所有Tech team的疑问与工作分配。一个工作3年,连前辈的资格都没有的我,就此当上了不正式的Tech lead。当时在我脑海里想到的,就只有我应该立马离开公司,从新当个后辈Programmer。

这么说似乎身在福中不知福,但责任性这回事不是你说要扛就扛的,缺少带领他人的经验,缺少给予真确答案的经验,我根本无法当Tech lead。但似乎米已成粥,新加坡公司暂时不收外国职员,马来西亚缺少游戏开发公司,我命已休。2022年似乎已铺好了大道给我,我要么以最快速度进步提升自己,要么回家吃粥。这和我预想的前途似乎有点不一样,我只能在迷茫中更迷茫了。


Monday, December 14, 2020

Unwanted Impression - Cyberpunk 2077

First of all, this isn't like any of my usual posts here. I once decided that there should only be Chinese posts in here, so that my language capacity does not deteorate into... crap, as if it wasn't at the first place. But seeing how I treat blogs more towards as a personal diary, albeit it being public, but seriously who cares about this place other than myself occasionally checking on my stupidity. 

Second of all, I'm kinda disappointed that I didn't jot down my impressions on games when I first played them. Yeah memorable games stick to my heart, but it's the tiny details that I wanted to remember and I couldn't. A long list of games with things that I like and didn't like, including Red Dead Redemption 2, Nier Automata, The Witcher 3 and maybe even 2, list goes on...

So, maybe in a few years and Google still haven't close down Blogger completely, and I managed to reread this, then I'll remember the first 15 hours of Cyberpunk 2077 impression.


Cyberpunk 2077, according to CD Projeckt Red, has been in development for 8 years. Throughout 2018-2020, there are rumours, confirmation, then delays for 3 times and it's finally released on 10th December 2020. Pre-orders reached 8 million, already funding the development cost according to the company. History were made for being the best selling single player game until today, most concurrent players on launch day etc. With all eyes looking at this game, it's almost inevitable that at least some people were disappointed and call it "overhyped". Hey, at least no one force you into this hype train, you bought the game and helped in making history by pre-ordering. Comparing it to the previous gem, my favourite game of all time, The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, Cyberpunk 2077 is the next step, the ambitious game that should inherit the success and evolves through it.


To start the first impression, Cyberpunk 2077 is definitely an incomplete game. Although it's in development for 8 years, it should have stay in development for another 1 or 2 years. On launched, day 1 patch is already released. However, the game is bug beyond fixable that soon. During development, it was also mentioned that third person view is removed, that the game will solely focus on first person view. This might ease the development, to not needed for catering different perspective on each scenes. It's also crucial to showcase the immersion of the game, an actual first person view role playing game. Creates a character, decide yourself whether you want a vagina on a masculine body, there's no limit, be whatever you want in the game. This became a double edged sword. People are so focus into the game through first person view, you will notice every single details that is off, be it unnatural movements of NPCs or just straight up buggy cases, materials floating mid air, unsync lip movements and sounds.

Maybe we could ignored all the bugs, and judge the game based on other perspectives. However I look at it, the game feels like a GTA wannabe but just could not hit the final nail. The AI movements are not natural, full of videos demonstrating that online. Reusing art assets everywhere are usually fine, but to reuse them in every corner of Night City, seems to be a little less caring on the fine details. Not to mention the first place you wanted to explore, the main character V's room, is full of junks that are similar everywhere, and not much of them is interactable other than TV or radio or a couch you can sit on. Don't even mention the weird mirror that you can stare, scowl, smile at for some reason. The hawker food stalls under V's apartment gave me hope. For a minute I saw shadows of Hong Kong crowded and tiny apartments, the liveliness. Then it's really disappointing that you can't buy all the foods there. Every boss of the stall can be interact with, but their responds are likely "Huh?", "What?"

Night City looks gorgeous from afar. Chinatown, where we start at really gives a vibe of futuristic Hong Kong. Japantown is a poor name, but do consists of skyscrapers and also short double storey buildings, pretty cool. Jig-jig street in the area looks like Japan's red light district. These are art style and design that I really appreciate. I have yet to explore more places in detail, but a quick look at Downtown, Westbrook, they look awesome with their respective themes but with futuristic sense.


Less than 15 hours of gameplay, I couldn't judge the game story that quick. It could go even better from here or worse, only one way to find out. The overall impression currently is excellent. It took what was really good in Witcher, the quest design and further developed from there. Starting with Street Kid, Nomad or Corpo influences your story. Consequences of actions from quests. The hard to forget characters, poor Jackie.

That reminds me of how I judge trailers. Trailers are meant to tease, to make viewers ask questions and to buy the product to find out the answers. Trailers are a good way to sell movies, TV shows, live events and games. 2018 Cyberpunk trailer is good, not much was shown, only a brief explanation on how Night City looks like and the theme of the game, cyber and punk if it's not obvious. Then there is the Keanu Reeves 2019 trailer, which I'm sceptical at first, because I felt like it is a spoiler right from the start. But at that time I thought, since you are showing it in a trailer, maybe this part isn't important, there are much deeper plots from this. Well I was wrong later on, Jackie did died just like how he dies at the start of the trailer. Dex Deshawn wanna kill V just like how he kills him in the end of the trailer, although we don't know the real motive unless you play the game but does it really matter? Keanu being in the game, could have been a top news that will be talked in the industry for months if he is not revealed in the trailer. But this I can forgive, since marketing requires publicity, a sacrifice of famous actor reveals is necessary. Well in short, 2019 Cyberpunk trailer is shit.


It's really unfair to give a final judgement by just 15 hours, so I will either edit or make a new post after completion of the game. So far, the game still felt great. It is ambitious, maybe a little too much. Given time, this could have been a mark in history for another best game of the year. But for the quality we have right now, it's not in the list.

Cyberpunk 2077 is similar to Night City, fancy on the outside but hollow on the inside. From afar, everything seems good and all. From within, there is too much details that could have been done better. Is this due to lack of time and sacrificing everything other than main game flow? Only the company knows. CD Projekt Red is on the news for employees crunching as long as a year, that should always be reminded in the industry that crunch is not acceptable, not even a week so a year is disastrous. Yet even all the hardwork, the game is still missing a soul, how disappointed the employees will be.

Things That I Don't Want to Mention Much

  • Poor optimization. CPU crank to 100% and GPU only runs 5%. Rub my eyes to check if I'm hallucinating on this one.
  • Difficulty mid ground. Maybe it's just me, but there is no middle point for the second hardest and second easiest difficulty. 4 difficulties selection? Come on maybe there's a fifth in the middle.
  • RPG shooting game. I know it's hard, but the game is low on creativity too. Chips installed on character that lacks modification (try looking at Nier Automata maybe?). Critical hit, poison and bleeding effects on gun shooting bullets? Ok...... Weird but I guess ok......
  • Great audio. Digging it.

I think I should give it a final conclusion since this post has been a while, 2 years+ is really a long time. In the end, Cyberpunk 2077 had a lot of patch for bug fixes. But I already dropped the game around 20-30+ hours, I couldn't remember. The optimization back then is so terrible, some parts are practically unplayable. With the continuous feeling of empty and hollow in the game, there are no reason for me to continue playing it.

In 2022, CD Projekt Red cooperated with Studio Trigger to release an anime call Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners. The anime is a big sell, it boosts the game by a lot. Many have turn their eyes back on the game, especially since it already had a lot of fixes. I never did go back into the game, as I already felt very disappointed with how hollow the game is. Hence, making this first review post to be incomplete.

Sunday, November 29, 2020









“Shall we talk? Shall we talk? 就算牙关开始打震别说谎”



Sunday, July 5, 2020






Saturday, January 4, 2020


久违了,2019年终于没更新部落格,找不到任何长篇大论的抱怨自己生活的理由,所以也就没更新吗? 相比起来还是推特比较方便释放情绪,但这不是推特。



本身自认我不是个通情达理的人,自私计较,为了自己的目的和原则我并不太理睬他人的感受。但也觉得和这群新朋友们的相处下,我或许有所进步吧。别想太多随意一点,大家都能更舒适更开心。一起外出需要理由吗? 并不,能一起花时间就足够了。

事业吗,开始有一点着急吧。规划自己的生活需要些什么,想达成什么目标,怎样都离不开钱啊。在这行走下去,以如今的速度,10年后得为了买房子买车买保险抓头抓到变秃了。为了不止步不前,看到了新加坡谷歌的职业机会,抱着尝一尝的心态参加线上考试,原来我的水准是这么低啊! 但因为不太执着这机会所以也没当一回事,这失败并不代表什么。然后也看到新加坡有个相当著名日本游戏开发公司的空缺,机不可失啊! 参加了第一轮线上面试,受邀去新加坡参加第二次面试外加技术测试,心里澎湃不已。




